spread zinefest
17.09 – 26.09 2021 / multiple locations in Groningen
collaration w/ sign
This edition SPREAD had a very full program where you could up your knowledge game by attending the lectures(also via livestream), talk and exhibitions, create new zines by participating in workshops, buyi new zines from makers and publishers themselves at the zinemarket and enjoy yourself by experiencing performances and spoken word. This all in a interior by artist Mylan Hoezen (former resort artist S01E02) in collaboration with Arthur Jules.
SPREAD Zinefest kick off! @ het resort
Friday 17/9 @ HET RESORT
19.00 Dinner; a taco dinner by Kruimels / €7,50
20:00 Jessie Tam: performance “The curse and the spells of the struggling artist” / free
21:00 Michiel Klein: performance “Ontdekkingsreis” / free
18/9 Conference @ SIGN / ONLINE
Attend @ SIGN or follow online: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi_mDU6AfnWdPmOjNKyOttw
14.00-15.00 – LECTURE: Contemporary art and publishing as a tool by Antespacio /Laura Díez
Self publishing opens up to the de-hierarchicalization of knowledge, generates a community with common interests open to collaborations and networking, creating collective creations
15.00-16.00 LECTURE: Marc van Elburg Zinedepo /Parasite Academy
What can parasites parasite concepts tell us about zine networks?
16.00-17.00 LECTURE: Philippine Free Press and Fanzines
This talk gives an insight on the Filipino subculture including historical and contemporary zines incl. video with interviews renowned zinemakers.
19.00 Talk @ ARTisBOOK: Homescreen & Knetterijs
A conversation on zine-making & collectivity with Homescreen & Knetterijs
19/9 Conference @ SIGN / ONLINE
15.30-16.15 LECTURE: Joppe Venema, Vaneen “From one view to many “…
Vaneen (dutch for “from one”) is an artist-run publishing platform founded in 2016 by Dutch artist Joppe Venema. Vaneen brings together works and writings of artists, writers and musicians.
16.15 PERFORMANCE: “Loose ends hiding in kitchen” by Glorya Avgust
Loose ends hiding in kitchen drawers" (2021) is a performance which guides the audience into a non-linear narration that unfolds a self, situated in the crevice between the pressing body of memory and a yearning that continuously flexes its course.
17.00 LECTURE: Fanzinists, Fanfeminists ... Fanzines and Feminisms by Skolastika / Josune Muñoz
Talk about the importance of the fanzine as a way to reinvidicate feminism.
19.00 LECTURE: Gelen Jeleton/Iurhi Peña
“Autoeditoras” is a traveling exhibition project for fanzines (self-published and self-managed publications) open all year round. These Latin American femzines (fanzines made by girls) form a mutant archive that is represented and compiled in the book "Autoeditoras".
PRESENTATIONS / 17- 26 September
Archival series: Artists' Magazines in the Netherlands (1960 - present)
17, 18 & 23 t/m 26 September @ ARTisBOOK
During SPREAD Zinefest ARTisBOOK will fill its documentation room with Artists' Magazines made in the Netherlands. A historical perspective that will be accompanied by contemporary zines from Homescreen & Knetterijs.
Library Display
17- 26 September @ SIGN
With idiosyncratic committed zine expressions from peripheral (disputed) areas, from specific communities and individuals. They are voices from other contexts, cultures with regard to feminism, restriction of free expression, empowerment from South Africa, Lebanon, Basque Country, Kurdistan, Hong Kong, Mexico, Philippines, Netherlands etc.
€4 / MAIL TO info@spreadzinefest.nl to apply
Monday 20/9 @ SIGN
Lever Burns by Vo Ezn
From 11.00-15.00+/- Bring your laptop (if you have an already set-up Rpi bring it as well!)
Tuesday 21/9 @ SIGN
F(eminist)H(ack)M(eetings) by Angeliki Diakrousi/Artemis Gryllaki
From 12.00-15.00 Bring your own laptop! FHM explores the potentialities and imaginaries of feminist technological collectives. The zine making inspired by practices and aesthetics of feminist hacking.
Wednesday 22/9 @ SIGN
Making a Queer/BIPOC magazine by KLAUW
From 13.00-17.00 Bring your own laptop!
Who do you want to give a platform to and why? What is missing in current media and how would you communicate your own story in this?
Friday 24/9 @ SIGN
Scraping the means of production by Federico Poni
From 13.00-16.00 Bring your own laptop! (+coding background is nice but not necessary) Make a zine scraping the web (python + javascipt)
Friday 24/9 @ HET RESORT
Toner Extravaganza by Jacopo Lega
From 16.00-18.00 / Explore the different means of the scanning and printing process, using them as a set of possibilities to include movements, gestures and other materic sources into the building-up of a small publication.
Saturday 25/9 @ SIGN
ACCORDIAN ZINE making by ANT and La Tourette
From 14.00-17.00
Construction of a collective chain zine, based on a ‘group imaginary’ that will take elements from both cities: Bilbao and Groningen!
Zinemarket @ HET RESORT
Saturday 25/0 & Sunday 26/9 From 12.00-17.00
PARTICIPATING ARTISTS&PUBLISHERS: Mina Rassouli // Anastasia Krylova // Manuel Alejandro Rodriguez // Najiba Yasmin // Atelier Cambré // Stichting de Algehele Aanraking // Stencilwerck // Jessie Tam // Camilo Garcia Aycardi & Avital Barkai // Studio Machii // Homezeen // Kamile Cesnaviciute // Hansje Struijk // Loïs Dalou // Uitgeverij de Zwanenhals // Vrijplaats voor Verbeelding // Volkssnakkel // Ingrid Zijlema // Knetterijs // Onomatopee // Mara Piccione // Marina Sulima // Nikki Roosma // Istvan Hutter // Herman Knottnerus // Fynn van der Ziel // Amphibia // Ad Nauseam Press // Moree wu // Hocus Bogus Publishing // PUNTA LARA ediciones
Saturday 25/9 12:00-16:30 @ GRONINGEN
BEURTVAART, a spatial shuttle service over the ‘Verbindingskanaal’ by boat! Between SIGN, het resort, ARTisBOOK. Text and helmsman's art: Klaas Koetje
Sunday 26/9 15.00-15.30 @ HET RESORT
Performance: The Performance Is Cancelled But Drinks Will Be Served, Michiel Westbeek
SPREAD is made possible by: Pictoright Fonds, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie
HET RESORT IS supported by:
Mondriaan Fund, Gemeente Groningen